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    Mon - Sat 09:30 AM - 02:30 PM Sunday Closed

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The speciality of Ophthalmology is today one of the most technologically savvy branches of medicine and also the costliest . Dr.Daljit SIngh Eye Hospital takes pride in saying that we like to acquire the most modern and latest equipments for Diagnostic as well as for Treatment purposes. Following is a list of the equipments available with us.

Diagnostic Equipment:

Slit Lamps 


Photo-Slit Lamps


Automatic computerised Refraction Phoropter.

Auto Keratometers

Applanation Tonometers

Handheld Nidek Keratometers

Computerized Lensometers

Indirect Ophthalmoscopes

Direct Ophthalmoscopes

A-Scan Ultrasound Biometers

B-Scan ultrasound equipment

Ultrasonographic Biomicroscope (UBM)

Non invasive OCT  Angiography System

Retina Photography System

Anterior Segment Photography system.

Visual Field Analyser -Perimeter

Optical Coherence Tomography of the retina and cornea

Pentacam corneal analysis system

OPD III Corneal analysis system

Topolyzer Corneal topographer system

IOL master Swept Source  700 for precise intraocular power calculation.

Lipiview Dry Eye Analysis System


Surgical Infrastructure and Equipment:

World Class Operating Room ( Centrally air conditioned with HEPA air filters)

Operating microscopes 

Infiniti Phakoemulsification systems

Stellaris Phakoemulsification System

Centurion Phakoemulsification system

Constellation Vitreo-Retinal surgical system.

High Speed steam sterilizers

Ethylene Oxide sterilizers

Green laser for treatment of Diabetic eye disease

Green Laser for Endolaser Application

Photodynamic THerapy laser delivery.

Indirect delivery of Green Laser for ROP patients

Automatic Anaesthesia machine with Ventilator

Xenon Endo-illuminator for viewing during vitreous surgery

Fugo(Plasma) knife surgical system for glaucoma and oculoplastic surgery.

Monopolar Cautery Surgery system.

C3R machine for stabilization of Keratoconus

Lipiflow System for treatment of dry eye disease.

FS-200 Femtosecond Laser for Bladefree flap making in Lasik Surgery

Ex-500 Excimer Laser System for Laser vision correction

Alcon Acrysof Acrylic Intraocular Lenses ( Multi-piece , Single-piece ,  Aspheric IQ , IQ Toric , Panoptix , Panoptix Toric , Ultrasert IQ, Clarion )

Johnson and Johnson Eyehance Extended Depth of focus Intraocular Lens

Staar Implantable Spherical and Toric Phakic Intraocular Lenses

Care Group Spherical and Toric IPCL Intraocular Lenses

Aurovision Hydrophobic single piece preloaded intraocular lenses.

Ultima and RYCF Hydrophilic Intraocular lenses

Iris Claw Lenses for use in special situations 

Scleral Fixated Intraocular Lenses

Aniridia Intraocular Lenses.

Silicone Oil for Retina Surgery

Perfluorocarbon Liquid

SF6 and C3F8 Gases for Retina surgery

Contact Lenses

Intra-corneal Ring segments for Keratoconus

Silicone Frontalis Sling for Ptosis Surgery 

Stainless Steel Stitches ( 40 and 80 micron)

6-0 Polyglycolic Acid Stitches

10-0 Nylon Sutures

5-0 Mersilene sutures

Glaucoma Valve device for intractable glaucoma.

Dry block incubator system for Biological indicator incubation

Fibrin Tissue Glue for Pterygium Surgery


Hospital Building

Commercial status registered with Municipal Corporation

Fire safety compliant

Biomedical waste disposal compliant

Pollution control Board compliant

Air pollution compliant

Water pollution Compliant

Pest Control Services 

Water quality compliant

Lift equipped

Canteen equipped

Pharmacy equipped

Optical outlet equipped

Clinical Laboratory equipped

Emergency crash cart equipped

Code Blue ready

Code Pink ready

Code Red ready